A Month of ME!

 August. Summer. Hot. Back to School (For some of you. Disgraceful. Haha.)

Month of Leos. Some Virgos. But mostly Leos. Roar.

Happy. Birthmonth. Carey. Yep! I wear the crown. All. Month. Long. ROAR!

The most exciting “specialty day” in August is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, which happened to be yesterday, August 4th. But that day is fired. And I can do that Cuz I like cookie DOUGH. And it’s my birth month. And since this is a health blog, dip your ONE spoonful (moderation) of cookie dough in dry oats (healthy) and enjoy. PS. I have never even tried raw egg-free cookie dough, and I am not dead yet.

I was all over the board in July, so I was pondering a theme for August. And I selected one that allowed me to be all over the board again. Cuz it’s my birth month. ROOOAAARRR!! This month I am affectionately referring to as “Carey’s Crazy Conditions.”

Now, some of these health conditions aren’t so off the grid. You might even suffer from a couple of them yourselves. But there are a couple of things that I have been diagnosed with that my nursey self has never heard of before. I am hoping that something I share might help you understand your similar sufferings a little bit better, or maybe, if you exhibit similar symptoms of unknown conditions, you will know what questions you can take your primary care doctor. And, if nothing else, you might get a good laugh at how these conditions came to light in my own life. Some of these things are pretty miserable. But remember, I can find humor in ANY life situation, and I love to make fun of myself (and my husband, the poor creature…)

My blog is short but sweet this week. No, I didn’t get hit in the head with a bat, or fall of a cliff mid-blog—this is simply my introduction for a fun-filled, all-about-me-August! The crazy parts, anyways. But then again, maybe ALL my parts are crazy. In any case, all my parts, crazy or not, want you to be in the know, to be informed, and to…

Be Well!




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