Show Me What You're Made Of!

And just like that, the hearts are coming down, and the shamrocks are going up at my house. Thank goodness my husband’s aunt lives here—I would never know what “holiday” it was.  Cupid is left behind, but our heart health remains a priority as we “March Fourth” (check out the date, y’all!) into National Nutrition Month!

To debunk a common misconception, food and nutrition are not the same thing. Food refers to the things we consume that maintain life and support growth and health. Nutrition, in contrast, is actually the science that studies food and how food nourishes our body and influences our health. Nutrition includes discussions about consumption, digestion, absorption, storage of chemicals in food, and how these chemicals affect the body. We can’t stop here; nutrition also involves eating patterns, recommended daily allowances (RDA), maintaining food safety, and addressing global food supplies.

Whoa. Looks like we need more than a month to discuss THIS!!!

Think about it. Every time you eat, you have the opportunity to influence the makeup of your body! You really ARE what you eat--The things you consume get broken down and reassembled into brain cells, muscles, bones, tissues, and organs. Now, you can either opt for kidneys made of Nutter Butters and a pancreas made of cheesecake, or you can provide your body with proper nutrition that supports your ability to perform activities of daily living, enhances concentration and mental performance, strengthens your immune system,  and provides opportunities for social interactions.


Yes.  I said social interactions.

Food brings people together! During the holidays, we cook and eat together (pre-covid, anyway. Gonna have a party? What’s on the menu? Offering dinner at your wedding reception? Betcha people are more likely to attend if you do! Sick friend? Didn’t know a bowl of chicken soup could build a relationship, did ya?

I will admit—talking about nutrition can be…well...BORING. So, I would like to dangle the social interaction carrot to make nutrition adventurous for your family. First things first—make sure you have downloaded the GooseChase app on your phone. Search for Healthy Habits Hunt, get crazy, and join the game!

Daily missions will be released, starting today at 8am MST for contestants to tackle (you will get a push notification each morning as the mission is released.) Invite your family and friends to join you and a bunch of strangers across this nutritious nation, open the daily missions, and follow the instructions. Why do this, you ask? For those of you who aren’t joining simply for new nutritional information or your own competitive nature, points will be awarded, and THERE WILL BE PRIZES! Both nutrition and physical wellness are included, every other day, in these challenges.

On your mark, get set, and…

Be Well!!


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